Tim Hagyard
Specializing in Historic and Unusual homes in and around Tucson, Arizona
Tim Hagyard is a Tucsonan, through and through. Being a local, growing up in midtown and living downtown for over 25 years, he has seen Tucson grow from a sleepy desert town to a busy city with a growing urban core. Tim knows the city as only a local can — finding the strengths, quirks, and charm of neighborhoods throughout Tucson.
Tim comes from a real estate family. He has learned the business and craft of real estate by working side by side with his mother, Susie DeConcini, who has been an active Tucson realtor for over 35 years.
He has taken his deep knowledge of the city and of the real estate business and combined it with a passion for historic and unusual homes, plus an understanding and appreciation of sustainable living.
In his free time, Tim restores his own historic and unusual home, a converted 1917 warehouse space in the historic Dunbar Spring neighborhood.